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【can rabbits eat cheerios】Simulmedia Is First to Launch Guaranteed TV Ad Campaigns Using TRA's Purchase Data

来源:l o 9 h i d c v h r k v 3 a 0 y w 2 e i f 0 x b 编辑:Encyclopedia 时间:2024-09-29 12:32:04

NEW YORK,can rabbits eat cheerios NY--(Marketwired - Oct 1, 2013) - Simulmedia, a targeted television advertising company, along with TiVo Research and Analytics, Inc. (TRA), the largest provider of syndicated single-source TV viewing and purchase data for advertisers and TV networks, today announced that they have launched a program for Simulmedia to guarantee advertisers the number of targeted purchasers viewing TV advertising (TRA's Purchaser Ratings Points or PRPs). The TRA PRPs enable Simulmedia to predict likely auto and grocery purchasers' TV viewing behavior and target TV ad campaigns based on this information. Simulmedia's purchase data targeting and media delivery guarantees differentiate it from traditional networks, which still only guarantee on age/sex/demo impressions.

TRA matches set-top-box TV tuning data with anonymously gathered data from 37 million shopper cards used at 20 grocery retail chains, 115 million auto registrations, and prescription data from more than 1.6 billion prescription orders.

【can rabbits eat cheerios】Simulmedia Is First to Launch Guaranteed TV Ad Campaigns Using TRA's Purchase Data

Simulmedia's technology platform uses TRA's PRPs to project future viewing behavior of likely purchasers in order to help CPG, automotive, retail, and pharmaceutical companies reach their customers on TV by targeting them more granularly in order to achieve better results with their TV advertising campaigns.

【can rabbits eat cheerios】Simulmedia Is First to Launch Guaranteed TV Ad Campaigns Using TRA's Purchase Data

"TRA is a leader in the use of the consumer purchase behavior for media and our partnership with them is an industry first," says Dave Morgan, Simulmedia's CEO. "The industry needs to move beyond age/sex demos. Adults 18-49 is not a demo, it's a family reunion. A heavy cereal purchaser PRP guarantee, for example, is far more targeted and less 'spray and pray.'"

【can rabbits eat cheerios】Simulmedia Is First to Launch Guaranteed TV Ad Campaigns Using TRA's Purchase Data

"Simulmedia continues to be a force in the industry in creating more value for buyers and sellers," says Mark Lieberman, Chairman of TRA. "Simulmedia's use of TRA data underscores our data's value in helping marketers connect with their past, present and future buyers to best allocate ad buys, and ultimately, drive sales lift to help bring TV ad targeting to a whole new level."

TiVo Research and Analytics, Inc. (TRA)



) a wholly-owned subsidiary of TiVo Inc. (




), is a leading media marketing and analytics software company whose products help advertisers, agencies and television networks improve advertising targeting, accountability and return on media investment within the Automotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, and Pharmaceutical industries, as well as a growing number of client CRM engagements. TRA's web-based Media TRAnalytics


and TV Health Ratings platforms matched the TV advertising households actually receive with the products the same households actually buy, enabling TRA clients to find "The Right Audience


" while providing an unmatched level of transparency, measurement, media planning/selling and improved ROI. TRA clients include Procter and Gamble, A&E Television Networks, Comcast Media 360, Oscar Mayer, Sunovion and Starcom MediaVest Group.

Simulmedia, Inc.



) is a New York City-based television ad targeting company and operates the Simulmedia Audience Network, the world's first data-driven audience network for television. The company's targeting platform leverages predictive technologies and anonymous viewing data from more than 50 million US TV viewers to help national advertisers and their agencies better reach target audiences, and better measure the results. Simulmedia aggregates TV audiences through partnerships with TV system operators and national networks and reaches all 115 million US TV households. Over the past year, the company has helped more than 30 advertisers and their agencies target, deliver and measure hundreds of campaigns and see results that were 25-300% better than they were able to achieve with traditional TV ad scheduling and targeting methods.

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